Clients say...
It's an easy to use, very convenient, fast, and well structured application: on approving modules, invoicing, balances/customer.
Gabriela Vlad,
Distribution Manager

SAAS (Software as a service)

The integrated platform, Sales and Distribution NETwork – SDnet is an SAAS application that offers management and coordination support for different actions and configurations in publishing houses and press distribution companies in order to achieve their business goals.

As an SAAS application, access to software is provided to customers through a private network or via the Internet. This creates significant savings on software and hardware investments, IT specialized staff, and other resources, ensuring simultaneous and full control of these types of resources.







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Publishing Houses »
SDnet is a solution especially created for the publishing houses in Romania. It sustains the...

PubliMedia »
PubliMedia International needed a management system that would fit the complexity of its...

Can Can »
Can Can was distributed with the help of SDnet from the first released newspaper. The SDnet...

The integrated platform, Sales and Distribution NETwork – SDnet is an SAAS...

Leadership »
SDnet offers management and coordination support in the process of achieving business goals, by...