Press distributors
Clients say...
It's an easy to use, very convenient, fast, and well structured application: on approving modules, invoicing, balances/customer.
Gabriela Vlad,
Distribution Manager

Press distributors

SDnet offers support for press distributors, and it is the most comprehensive, scalable and efficient software solution for managing the distribution process for all of the publications in a portfolio.

The SDnet application is a flexible solution that can be easily assimilated and used by employees, covering large areas of activity, from monitoring the activity of the sale point to promotion activities and merchandising.

The use of the SDnet application will help press distributors increase their productivity and optimize their IT infrastructure and business processes costs. The integrated management platform from SDnet offers solutions for the optimization and acceleration of the distribution process, and the identification and easy manipulation of all the data registered in the system. Also, the platform shortens the distribution and sale processes and gives real time access to management reports or to statistics requested by the authorities who regulate and monitor press distribution.

The application offers the ability to record and use data about contacts within client companies. Access is easy and the result can be easily manipulated, printed or generated into Excel documents.

The following processes are being simplified: monitoring orders from generating the demand to delivery, followed by returns management, billing which can be achieved automatically, along with generating orders, and following the payments made by each client and their balances. The application allows the administration of the access accounts as well as defining the customer categories, the methods of billing, payment and all of the reference data used in the application. Also, the stocks can be managed (generated and subsequently updated) for each publication in hand and changes can be allocated to each product.

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