Publishing Houses
Clients say...
It's an easy to use, very convenient, fast, and well structured application: on approving modules, invoicing, balances/customer.
Gabriela Vlad,
Distribution Manager

Publishing Houses

SDnet is a solution especially created for the publishing houses in Romania. It sustains the administration of distribution, selling, accounting, and management processes, ensuring the possibility of making decisions in real time.

Among the clients who have already implemented SDnet Solutions are: Publimedia International, Realitatea-Caţavencu, Can Can Media, Intact, Media On, and România Liberă.

Choosing and implementing the best solutions for the optimization of IT infrastructure is a strategic mission for more and more publishing houses. The problem is in making it compatible with already existent applications, and to fulfill the necessities of each department. In this respect, SDnet meets these challenges with a complete and multifaceted solution for publishing houses:

Sales Distribution Network


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SDnet revolutionizes press distribution »
SDnet optimizes the entire activity of the distribution departments in publishing houses by taking...

Implementation »
Implementarea aplicaţiei SDnet pornește de la integrarea tuturor funcţiilor...

Demo »
The SDnet specialists, always preoccupied with quality and performance, are developing complete...

SDnet launches a significant initiative »
SDnet, a software development company, and newAD communication held a launch even for a new...

Leadership »
SDnet offers management and coordination support in the process of achieving business goals, by...